North Cleveland Baptist Church

Where Love is Alive


Join us Sunday Mornings

8:30 AM – Worship
9:45 AM – Bible Study
11 AM – Worship

Our Stories

Volunteer Opportunities

  • PRESCHOOL SUNDAY SCHOOL teachers and helpers needed for preschool classes. Contact the church office.
  • MEDIA SHOUT – We need volunteers to run the computer on a rotating basis during the Sunday morning worship services.
    Contact: Lanny Green
  • LIVESTREAM – We need volunteers to run the livestream during both services on a rotating basis during the Sunday morning worship services.
    Contact: Lanny Green
  • COMPASSION CARE MINISTRY – Serving and attending to temporary needs of the elderly/homebound members of our congregation. Additional info at the entrances to the sanctuary.
    Contact: Jean Tucker

NCBC is hiring!

WEEKDAY CHILDCARE MINISTRY IS HIRING! If you or someone you know enjoys working with babies through pre-kindergarten age children, please call 472-4172 to learn more or to get an application.

Weekly Words from the Staff

A word from Rev Jonathan Nelson…

Hello Church Family!

Strangely enough, we find ourselves back in Easter season. It’s hard to believe that it has now officially been a year since we moved here so I could join the staff at North Cleveland Baptist Church. But time slows for no man, and once again we are about to celebrate our greatest reason for hope and joy: the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

As we enjoy the warm weather, spend time with family, and color eggs for some reason, let us not fail to spend time meditating on the gravity of why we celebrate. Humanity, broken and corrupt, was given a savior. The God of the universe stepped down to be with us… and die in our place. He paid the price of our transgressions with His blood, but even beyond that, He rose! He conquered sin and death on that first Easter morning! And now, we no longer need to fear the grave either, so long as we are found in Him! Praise God for this undeserved but joyous miracle! The very foundation of our faith lies in the events of Easter Sunday morning. I pray that we all would take some time to reflect on and praise God for Easter.

Oh, but Easter is not the only thing coming around again. We are beginning to see Vacation Bible School on the horizon as well! Mark it on your calendar now, VBS will take place June 17th – 21st! Drama preparations have already begun, the curriculum is being developed, and already I have people telling me their availability to help. Which is great, but we will need more! Lots more! Our Vacation Bible School is the talk of the town, which means that we always have high attendance which in turn means we have many areas of need! To pull off something of this magnitude, we need plenty of:

  • Teachers
  • Assistants
  • Rotation workers
  • Registration workers
  • Offering counters
  • Attendance takers
  • Set builders
  • Backstage hands
  • Media operators
  • And more!

If you are interested in volunteering, please let me know! There’s a lot of work that goes into it, but VBS is always worth the effort!

God bless,

Jonathan Nelson

Where are we located?

2815 North Ocoee Street
Cleveland, Tennessee 37312

Give us a call

(423) 476-8524

Contact Us